
Google Partners Connect


Google Partners Connect


For many small businesses, online advertising is a must to succeed. However, many don't know where to start. 

This is my story of how Google Partners Connect brought together small businesses with marketing agencies to help their vision become reality.

My role: Sr. Art Director responsible for user experience, visual design and branding


The Challenge


The Google Partners team needed an innovative solution to help agencies build better relationships with local SMBs.



The Solution

In collaboration with Google marketing, developers and Brand Studio, Epsilon created Google Partners Connect: a livestream event hosted by Partners agencies nationwide. During the event, well-known Google thought leaders shared insights directly with SMBs, and agencies got valuable facetime with potential clients.


User Flow


Google Partners Connect


The Result


Google Partners Connect was a great turn out with 2k agencies hosting nearly 20k SMBs. (2k agencies hosted nearly 20k SMBs) that it's now a quarterly, global event.